The Possibility Box

What positive messages appeared to you today?

5 Fave Sources of Inspiration at the Moment

Encouragement for Your Creative Quest












1) My husband’s hat from Kobold Expedition Tools, with the positive message “Embrace Adventure,” which seemed fitting during a challenging family hike in the Northern California redwoods

2) The book “The Imagine Project: Stories of Courage, Hope and Love” by Dianne Maroney

3) Something else riveting that revolves around imagining… the trailer for the George Clooney movie “Tomorrowland,” which debuts in theaters on May 22, 2015.  

Clooney’s character: “What if there was a place… a secret place, where nothing is impossible?”

4) The media company A Plus, from Ashton Kutcher and Evan Beard, which features “stories that make a difference and create positive change.” (Thanks Sarah G. for the tip.)

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5) Emails from Seth Godin. He keeps them short and sweet. I’m taking a cue from him.

Uplifting material from many sources is encouraging me during the difficult quest to write and publish my first book, The Possibility Book

Here I’m sharing some of them because I hope they might encourage you forward on your creative quest, too.

Where are you seeing positive messages in the world?

When you encounter books, songs, movies, products, people, quotations or signs from the Universe that offer you encouragement, send me a message on Facebook or Twitter, or email michele at

Want more Encouragement for Your Creative Quest? Get it here.