The Possibility Box

What positive messages appeared to you today?

One-Word Secret for Defeating Fear

IMG_2923Pictured here are some beautiful products with positive messages from artist, author and inspirational-decor creator Kelly Rae Roberts. Here’s why I’m featuring them in a post about the one-word secret for defeating fear.

Recently my older son and I were watching Rise of the Guardians, screening the movie to see whether it would be too scary for my younger son. Bad guy Pitch Black reminds me vaguely of Voldemort from Harry Potter fame. After my younger son spied that creep for the first time, he spent the next two weeks running scared into my bedroom in the middle of the night.

8262810504_bdfd47cf41So ultimately I decided not to allow him to watch Rise of the Guardians right now, but I do love one of the movie’s morals:  fun can diminish fear.

It’s obvious… turn on some good music, dance around the room, start creating something – whether it’s writing a poem or baking a pie – and fear often disappears or fades, but how easily and how often we forget this!

trayFor more than a year now, I’ve been actively seeking and finding products with positive messages, and Kelly Rae’s are some of the most fun, whimsical, free-spirited, positive and uplifting creations I have ever seen. (Thanks, Mom, for the tip!)

Browsing Kelly Rae’s collection is a lovely antidote for fearful thinking, a fine activity for a lazy Sunday afternoon or relaxation before bedtime. Garden Gallery Ironworks sells many of Kelly Rae’s products. You can find her book, Taking Flight: Inspiration and Techniques to Give Your Creative Spirit Wings, on Amazon and many prints on her site.

Right now I’m contemplating which of her treasures I might place around the house as a reminder: “Remember how much FUN it can be to chase away fear!”
